New Quincy Jail Faces Staffing Shortage Prior to Construction


Plumas county’s newest jail to be built in East Quincy is already in trouble as the sheriff has concerns that there may not be enough deputies to staff it.

During the board of supervisors meeting this week, Sheriff Johns asked for a 24,000 dollar payment to PG&E for power connections to the new facility as construction continues. A groundbreaking ceremony in August launched the start of construction that is funded by a 25 million dollar state grant. The project is expected to take 18 months once a foundation is laid, with an approximate date of filling the facility with staff and inmates by the summer of 2024. But as the sheriff said during the supervisor’s meeting, that will depend on whether he keeps losing staffing.

The department has struggled to keep positions filled for the past year as fair wages and health premiums remain a constant challenge. Deputies have been stretched to the max covering multiple positions within the department and often working extended 12-hour shifts.

The board and the sheriff remain hopeful that the new facility will attract more candidates to work for the prison and sheriff’s office.