Sierra Army Depot Grant Begins Next Steps in Bringing Economic Growth to South County


Sierra Army Depot and Lassen County get a big win with the help of current District 5 Supervisor, Tom Hammond as he finds himself visiting key players in his visit to Washington D.C. A 653,000-thousand-dollar grant begins its next steps for the Sierra Army Depot and the surrounding community. The grant had components, that were an Intertie with the Reno Alturas Transmission Line, an Amodee runway feasibility study, and Transportation on county roads A25-A2 and HWY 395. Supervisor Hammond shared that the grant will help with resiliency in two sources of power) a Department Of Defense requirement, as well as improvements along 395 from hallelujah junction to potentially A-26 outside of Doyle, as well as the completion of a feasibility study, and infrastructure in and around the Herlong area. Hammond’s week in Washington D.C had him bumping into congressmen La Malfa, Garamendi, and Amedee, Sen Cortez Mastoz, and Sen Rosen who will all have a piece of the pie in bringing these components together and breathing life into the depot and Lassen County. Hammond has the vision to bring industry with the bipartisan relationship around the depot’s landing strip that lies in an undeveloped area that has the potential to support so much more. With its development and the 395 road improvements, big businesses could make roots in the community. With the benefit of these industries, come jobs and revenue into the County that so desperately needs it.

On May 22 Lassen County Supervisors Hemphill, Hammond, and County Administrative Office Richard Eagan even attended a bi-state meeting with Washoe County leaders,

Nevada Department Of transportation and Cal Trans to establish a working partnership on the 395 projects.
The Sierra alliance will be meeting again at this month’s end to continue the ongoing efforts initiated here by Supervisor Hammond.