PNF Enters Stage II Fire Restrictions


Plumas National Forest steps up fire restrictions. With extended hot weather increasing the likelihood of fire dangers and drying of fuels the forest service is entering stage II of their fire restrictions levels. This means you can only build campfires in designated recreation sites with a campground host, in established campfire rings. You will be limited on where you can smoke, internal combustion engines, such as vehicles and generators, may only be used on designated roads and trails. Boat engines on the water are exempt. Chainsaw use for firewood will remain permitted with an expectation that operating a chainsaw off designated roads and trails is minimal.

The Plumas National Forest will continue to expand staffing of all resources with periodic 24-hour staffing through this fire season to help ensure rapid wildfire response. This past weekend, both the Mount Hough and Beckwourth Ranger Districts went into Lightning Plans as the possibility of fires increased with the number of strikes possible. Firefighters are continuing to patrol for fires resulting from those storms, which can smolder for more than 2 weeks before flaring and becoming visible.