Plumas County Fair Engages Indian Valley Creation of Innovative Hub to Spur Economic Growth


The Plumas County fair is reaching out to Indian Valley with creative thinking to propel the rebuilding of the economy with a world sized view. With the devastation of the valley by the Dixie Fire, Fair Manager John Steffanic says it’s a start from scratch situation. With funds earned from the Dixie Fire camp at the fairgrounds Steffanic proposes to showcase what Indian valley has to offer in what can be crafted, grown or raised, with unique ties to the valley. He aims to do so with the creation of an innovation hub. The hub will gather people of all talents and trades to bring together resources and encourage innovation. If interested or you have ideas to share there will be two meetings to explore the creation of the hub. The first will be held next Wednesday the 13th from 6pm to 8pm, then again on April 30th from 11am to 1pm.The meetings will be at the Greenville Elementary school cafeteria.