New Organic Waste Collection Bill Brings Conflict to Lassen County


With the new year comes the implementation of new state bills leading to more costs to an already strained Lassen County budget. Calrecycle has rolled out a comprehensive plan to help navigate Senate Bill 1383, the organic waste collection bill, aimed to reduce your homes and local businesses food waste. By 2025 counties across California will need to comply to the new reqirements for disposal of foods, fibers, manure and Lassen county’s supervisors argued this unfunded mandate from the state will burned this rural county by imposing costs for specialized equipment and more county staff management of the program. Yet representatives for Calrecycle in Lassen County shared the deaprtment has included rural exemptions. Yet those will only last for three years in which rural counties will have to transition to filing waivers. Although the bill is effective as of January 1st of this year, counties will have a grace period to show there has been an effort to comply if full implementation is not attainable.