Current Fire Restrictions in Place


Eagle Lake Field Office

All campfires are required to have a five-foot diameter area be cleared to bare soil and the area must be free of overhead flammable material. The restriction requires that anyone using a campfire have a round-point shovel with a handle at least 35-inches-long nearby.
Portable stoves and lanterns using gas, jellied petroleum or pressurized liquid fuel are allowed. Users must have a valid California campfire permit on BLM managed lands within California. Visitors should be extremely careful with their use. Wildland visitors should carry shovels, water and fire extinguishers. California campfire permits are available free online at or at all BLM, U.S. Forest Service and Cal Fire offices.
No possession or use of fireworks, including California fire marshal-approved “safe and sane” devices.

Read more about fire restrictions:

BLM lifts fire restrictions on public lands in NE Calif., NW Nevada (October 2021)
BLM California announces statewide, year-round restrictions – full order (April 2020)