BLM Seeks Input on OHV Recreation Within Eagle Lake Ranger District


You’ll get a chance to share your thoughts on off highway vehicle recreation on public lands at a virtual meeting held by the Bureau of Land Management. The office seeks your ideas via zoom in a three part series of meetings for the Eagle lake, Redding, and Arcata field offices. Each area representative will present their OHV programs and pending grant request from the state. The Eagle lake field office presentation will start February 17th from 3 to 4pm. You can share your input on identifying new trails and redesign routes for better connectivity, and find safer trails for greater access. You need to register for the event by visiting the BLM Website or you can email or mail you comments in to the BLM Eagle Lake field office to the attention of Marisa Williams.

BLM Eagle Lake Field Office

2550 Riverside Dr.

Susanville, CA 96130

Attn: Marisa Williams

Email:[email protected]