Susanville Mayor Outbursts Over Community Division Over LARP

Division over LARP (Local Area Revitalization Project Co-Op, which runs programs such as the Farmers Market at Pancera Plaza, and Thompson Peak Education Farm in Janesville), the City's relationship, and concerned community members upset Susanville's mayor.During the council's February 15th meeting, when the community...

City Recieves 50k Donation from LARP

Local area revitalization project co-op has donated 50,000 dollars to the City of Susanville for the city’s proposed compost project with additional hopes. LARP is interested in further partnering with the city to develop an ag market. David Teeter, LARP’s CFO, presented the oversized...

Susanville City Council Approves LARP Co-Op MOU

Local Area Revitalization Project Co-Op (LARP) gets long awaited formal agreement with the City of Susanville to have full control over the community garden. The community garden has now been in place for about 4 years. City Administrator Dan Newton discussed the agreement at...