Indian Valley Post Master Helps Inidan Valley Children Affected by the Dixie Fire Christmas Wishes Come True


Josh Dunnington, acting Post Master, and Suzette Reed, have started “Operation Santa” at the Indian Valley Post Office in efforts to bring Christmas cheer to those children affected by the Dixie fire. If you live in Indian Valley and your child is 12 years old or younger they can write a letter to Santa with their name, your name (the parent), address and phone number . You can deliver the letter to the post office and place it into a special Santa Mail box. Josh and Suzette will answer each letter as well as fulfill each child’s wishes. As part of the community you can help be Santa elves and adopt a letter and write Santa’s response, or fulfill the child’s Santa list and deliver letters and gifts to the Indian Valley Post Office. Josh and Suzette will be deliveringSanta’s response with gifts to each child’s address. Letters are being accepted now and can be brought to 4638 Main Street in Taylorsville. If you wish to help adopt a child’s letter you can email Suzette at [email protected].