City Considers Job Description for SIR Partnered Economic Development Director Position


During the April 5th Susanville City Council meeting, the Council made a significant decision regarding the future of economic development for the City of Susanville.

The Council approved an agreement between the City and the Susanville Indian Rancheria to open a position for an Economic Development Director who would be hired as a department head. The MOU outlines that the City will follow an approved process when hiring the department head, starting with the Council approving the job description that will be considered this Wednesday. According to the draft provided to the Council, the director would fall under the management of the City Administrator and will be responsible for leading and managing the City’s economic development program. They are expected to work with different groups, such as businesses, non-profits, and government agencies, to promote economic development in the community, including with the Susanville Indian Rancheria.

This decision will be a significant step forward for the City as it seeks to establish clear guidelines and procedures for this position.