SHASTA COUNTY, Calif. 8:20 P.M. UPDATE – The Office of Governor Gavin Newsom has sent a statement to Action News Now Monday evening regarding the statement that was released by the County Administrative Office of Shasta County earlier in the day.
The following was provided to Action News Now by Izzy Gardon, the Director of Communications with the Office of Governor Gavin Newsom after Action News Now reached out to the Governor’s Office for a statement:
“Thanks so much for reaching out and providing us the opportunity to correct this misinformation.
All credentialed media were able to attend and ask questions. Most asked multiple questions. At no point was a reporter denied access or denied the ability to ask a question. One reporter (not KRCR) did RSVP after the event began and was unable to attend.
As is standard protocol, our office invited or informed local elected officials — across party lines — about the Governor’s visit. In fact, an incoming member of the Board of Supervisors was invited, attended, and stood behind the Governor during the entire event. The county’s public information officer was also at the event, as was Assemblymember Heather Hadwick (R-North State), who represents the area. She spoke at the event.
The Governor works across the aisle because he believes in bipartisan partnership to grow our economy, support businesses, and create well-paying jobs — especially in Shasta County and across the North State.”
The County Administrative Office of Shasta County has released a statement from their office regarding California Governor Gavin Newsom’s visit to Shasta County Monday.
Below is the statement that was issued by David J. Rickert, the County Executive Officer for Shasta County, in regards to the Governor’s Office not engaging or coordinating with any local Shasta County elected officials:
“Shasta County is disappointed that Governor Gavin Newsom chose to visit our community today to
make an announcement regarding a program aimed at expanding access to higher education in rural
areas, without engaging or coordinating with any local elected officials.
While we welcome and strongly support initiatives that enhance opportunities for residents in rural
communities like Shasta County, it is disheartening that our local leadership was neither informed
nor included in today’s announcement. Collaboration and partnership between state and local
governments are essential to ensure that programs like this are truly impactful and aligned with the
unique needs of our community.
Shasta County’s Board of Supervisors and local leaders work tirelessly to advance education,
economic development, and quality of life for our residents. A program of this magnitude one that
could directly affect our community’s future deserves local input, dialogue, and coordination to
maximize its success.
We would encourage the Governor’s Office to engage Shasta County leadership in future
discussions about programs aimed to help our residents. Together, we can achieve outcomes that are
both meaningful and sustainable for our residents.
Shasta County remains committed to fostering greater access to education and stands ready to work
collaboratively with the State of California to ensure the success of initiatives that benefit our