DWR Remains Cautious After 2nd Snow Survey of the Year


Punxsutawney Phil says there’s more winter on the way. Still, the Department of water resources remains cautious of the dry months despite a healthy snowpack. Yesterday marked the 2nd snow survey of the year. Recordings show the Sierra snow depth is at 85 inches with 33 inches of water content, nearly 200 percent of the average to date, and 140% of the April average. If this has any effect on the drought Karla Nemeth, Director of the DWR, says its too soon to tell.

The critical snow survey of April 1, when the snowpack is expected to be the deepest, is still months away. DWR Snow Survey Manager Sean De Guzman also says despite recent active weather leading to “one of the best starts in the last 40 years,” a lot can change.


Photo: DWR FB