CDFW Awards Grants to Restore Salmon Habitats and More


The California Department of Fish and Wildlife has awarded $22.5 million to 19 projects to restore critical salmon habitats, improve climate resiliency, create wildlife corridors, and restore wetlands.

CDFW Director Charlton H. Bonham said the initial round of awards demonstrates a commitment to support the restoration and protection of species, and additional announcements will be made in March.

The projects include restoring riparian habitat for salmon impacted by drought, improving winter-run Chinook diversity, and evaluating juvenile salmon collection systems for reintroduction. CDFW also awarded funds to create fish passages, incorporate beaver dam analogs in wetland restoration, and monitor drought conditions for Chinook and coho salmon. These awards are part of a new initiative to provide $200 million in funding for multi-benefit ecosystem restoration and protection projects.

For more information on how to apply for grants, visit