Get ready for slowdowns in eastern Plumas as Caltrans begins a 101-million-dollar rehabilitation project for SR 70.
Caltrans District 2, and contractor Mercer-Fraser Company, will begin construction on the Cromberg Combined Rehabilitation project today, set to last into spring of next year.
This project aims to completely restore the roadway and improve ride quality from just east of Gill Ranch Road to just west of Big Grizzly Creek Bridge. Crews will widen the highway shoulder, install new guard railing and bridge rail, upgrade existing ADA facilities, and improve drainage, among other various safety features.
Caltrans says this summer’s main construction activities will require traffic control during the daytime construction schedule. You should plan for up to 30-minute delays and expect 24/7 traffic control on unpaved surfaces.
Officials add that some night work may be included but only if feasible and safe.
The entire project is expected to be completed by 2026.