Lassen Board of Supervisors to Review General Plan Update & ColWest Slams County for Halting Homekey Project


During the November 14th meeting, the Lassen County Board of Supervisors approved moving forward with the General Plan update, as proposed by Planning and Building Director Maurice Anderson. The General Plan has not been updated in nearly three decades, with the area plans last adopted in the mid-1980s.

However, the cost to complete the area plans has exceeded expectations, prompting the formation of an evaluation committee in April to determine the best contractor for the job. This Tuesday, the board will revisit the item and consider awarding a contract worth nearly $870,000 to complete the work. If approved, the cost could be spread over the next two, possibly three, fiscal years, according to staff.

The regional area plans would include the Susanville vicinity, Richmond/Gold Run, Johnstonville, and other communities not included in the current plans. Completing the update offers significant benefits by aligning development with current community needs, promoting sustainable growth, and improving infrastructure planning. The process engages the community and facilitates better coordination among agencies, making the area more competitive for grants and funding opportunities.

Another item under scrutiny during the supervisors meeting this Tuesday, under closed session ColWest Investments, leading the Homekey Project at the Old Hospital in Susanville, has demanded that the county provide promised payments through state grant funding that was approved upon in contracts with the county. ColWest claims to date the county has not forfeited the funds to move forward with the project that has already been underway.

To view the supervisors agenda you can visit the county’s website. The board meets at 9 am, beginning with closed session items, and opens to the public at 9:30 am, August 20, 2024.