Honey Lake RCD Nears Completion of Old Canal Project, Improving Water Quality for Ranchers


The Old Channel Lining project in Susanville, undertaken by the Honey Lake Valley Resource Conservation District, is nearing completion, with construction activities dwindling.

According to the RCD District Manager, a “substantial” completion date was expected as of April 15th, at this point, the pipe would be in the ground and connected to the inlet structure at the Susan River.

Thus far, clean-up efforts are underway with the grading of the channel. Yet, a few details remain, including constructing a maintenance road above the pipe, installing trash racks, and hydroseeding.

Forman, the construction contractor, confirmed water started flowing down the new irrigation pipe on Friday, April 12th, adding that work is expected to be completed and demobilization of equipment around mid-May.

The Department of Water Resources awarded Honey Lake Valley RCD the 4 million dollar grant to line the Old Channel canal, which spans from the Susan River near Riverside Drive across Main Street to Johnstonville Rd. The project aims to improve water quality for downstream ranchers.