Forest Service News Release
Dixie Fire Update for Tuesday, September 21, 2021
963,276 Acres 90% Containment 2,223 Total Personnel
Dixie Fire East Zone —
A Red Flag Warning has been issued for the local area because of winds and low humidity. That warning
expires today at 11 a.m. While firefighters continue to make steady progress, any new ignition could result in a
significant wildfire. Temperatures will begin to rise after a cool start to the week and winds will shift back to the
Yesterday, several areas of smoke were spotted and doused within containment lines along California Highway
395 southeast of Milford. Firefighters used helicopters to attack some of these areas because of steep and
rugged terrain unsafe for ground forces. Suppression repair continued around Lake Davis out toward Grizzly
Ridge using hot shot crews and elements of the U.S. military. No service calls were received overnight but
crews remain vigilant and ready. The public is reminded to report smoke or visible flames, bearing in mind that
the area in question might be deep within containment lines and poses no threat. In these cases, the concern is
noted but no action is taken because the risk to firefighters is greater than the threat to containment.
Today, firefighters continue securing the steep and rugged terrain in the Devil’s Punchbowl area. Focus is on
maintaining patrols throughout the fire perimeter and mopping up lines, particularly around Taylorsville,
Buck’s Lake, the 395 corridor and Dixie Valley. Firefighters continue to backhaul equipment off the line at
areas of lowest risk for fire activity and concentrate on fire suppression repair. Fire suppression repair is action
taken to mitigate damage and minimize potential soil erosion. Repair includes removing hazard trees and
repairing the hand and dozer fire lines, roads, trails, staging areas, safety zones and drop points used during
fire suppression efforts.
Plumas National Forest Closure Update: The Plumas National Forest Beckwourth and Mt. Hough
Ranger Districts have issued a revised Forest Order impacting the Beckwourth Complex and Dixie Fire
Area, Road, Trail and Recreation Site Closures. The closure order reflects potentially dangerous areas
within the fires’ perimeters. Refer to, which
details areas affected. Furthermore, as hunting season is underway in the surrounding area, the public
is reminded that lands inside the fire perimeter remain closed for your safety.
For the West Zone update, visit
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Dixie Fire Update