Cromberg Combined Rehabilitation Project in Plumas County Traffic Update


REDDING – Caltrans continues work on the Cromberg Combined Rehabilitation project that started on June 3rd, which will completely restore the roadway, and improve ride quality on State Route (SR) 70 in Plumas County just east of Gill Ranch Road to just west of Big Grizzly Creek Bridge. The project also includes shoulder widening, new guard railing, bridge rail, upgrades to existing ADA facilities, drainage improvements and the addition of numerous safety features.

***UPDATE: One-way traffic control is in effect Mon-Thurs during daytime hours. On Fridays, motorists can expect shoulder closures and intermittent lane closures as work proceeds. Motorists can expect these traffic controls west of Portola. The traffic controls will continue as work moves west within the project limits. Delays are expected to extend up to 15 minutes.***

Preliminary work began this past winter, and main construction activities this summer requires traffic control during the daytime construction schedule. 24/7 traffic control may be required on unpaved surfaces, with up to 30 minute delays.
The $101 million project includes 280 working days, with all days requiring traffic control. Night work will be used when feasible and safe.

The entire project is expected to be completed by 2026.


Information submitted by Caltrans