Almanor Fishing Report
Lake level has dropped fractionally since last week, currently sitting at 4492.75 ten feet above the same date in 2022 (4482.85). Water temperatures are in the low seventies and clarity ranges from seven’ at the bank to fifteen’ in the main section of the lake.
There has been no change to the Hex Hatch over the past week. While the fish we are catching are full of Hex larvae we have not seen any significant hatches taking place. I suspect the hatch is done for the year. There are lots of thoughts on why the hatch was so poor this year, lake level, water temperatures and the impacts of the Dixie to name a few, I am cautiously optimistic this is a one-year anomaly. Pond smelt are showing up in greater numbers and fish are beginning to key in on smelt.
As water temperatures continue to rise fish will head to deeper water, over springs and at Hamilton Branch. Trollers will target their efforts at Big Springs, Rec #1 to Big Cove, Dorado, Rec #2 to the tip of the peninsula and Augie’s Alley. Bank anglers and boats on anchor are using crickets, worms, and the Almanor Cocktail (cricket meal worm combo. Trollers are catching fish on crawlers, king worms and plastics right off the bottom. When the fish get serious about targeting pond smelt you will find fish scattered throughout the water column.
After a week of beautiful summer weather, we are going to see a warming trend through next weekend with daytime highs approaching triple digits. Get on the water early and be off by 11:00 as the bite completely dies early.