12 Million in CHP Grant Funds Will Fight Impaired Driving


12 million dollars of grant funding will be going out from the CHP to fight impaired driving. The CHP will award 45 state law enforcement agencies, crime laboratories, and non-profit organizations to help address the dangers of driving under the influence of drugs and or alcohol. The funding comes by way of Prop 64, the marijuana tax, for the cultivation and sale of cannabis and cannabis products sold in California. CHP Commissioner Amanda Ray said, “this is an opportunity to work with various traffic safety stakeholders to make CA roadways safer for all.” Funds will help in impaired driving enforcement, drug recognition evaluator training, and public education outreach. Governor Gavin Newsom in signing the state’s new budget just significantly shifted cannabis taxes by eliminating the cannabis cultivation tax and capping the 15% excise tax where it’s at for a minimum of three years. The structure of the allocations from Prop 64 cannabis tax fund will not be changed yet Newsom is proposing a baseline allocation of 670 million dollars for 3 years with the ability to increase the rate if funding falls below that set baseline dollar amount.

To learn more about the CHP cannabis tax fund grant program you can visit the CHP’s website.