ROE And Debris Removal Update And Next Steps


After the November 30th deadline passes, financial assistance will no longer be provided to property owners. In February, the state plans to complete free debris removal for parcels that presented a completed ROE before the November 30th deadline. The County will then follow the state’s cleanup program with an enforcement and abatement program for any parcels that have debris remaining on their properties. Property owners cannot rebuild until they receive their Certificate of Completion, whether through the public or private programs.

As a reminder, the goal of the Government Right of Entry (ROE) Debris Removal Program is to minimize costs to property owners, allow owners to quickly rebuild, and help our community quickly recover from the devastating effects of the 2021 wildfires. If any parcels are left with debris, it will be a community, public health and safety issue. Property owners have until November 30 to determine which program to enter to clean up their property. Financial assistance will not be offered to property owners after November 30.
The ROE program offers property owners a no out of pocket expense option, or a property owner may select the private (alternative) program working with money they have and their insurance company. Both programs have the same requirements for debris removal and both programs offer the same Certificate of Completion once requirements are met. Property owners will be able to rebuild once the certificate is obtained.

The state timeline for Dixie Fire debris to be removed under the ROE process is February 2022, only a few months away. The state is making great progress removing debris of over 100 properties to date with 10 state teams at work.

After this timeline expires and all the parcels that entered the government program are cleaned up, the County will begin initiating the abatement process for any parcels that are not free of fire debris, whether they were in the public or private program. The coordinated and timely efforts of the state and County in debris removal continues to aid the communities in rebuilding and encourage residents and businesses to stay in their communities. Please help us and enter a debris removal program and do not let your property fall into an enforcement and abatement program.

Further information can be found here or call (530) 283-7080 or email [email protected]

Submitted by Gabriel Hydrick, Plumas County Administrator.