Mill Fire Nearly at Full Containment, Rec Sites at Lake Davis & Lakes Basins Open for Weekend


The Mill fire in the Gold Complex, caused by lightning on July 22nd near Portola, is nearing full containment at 98%.

The Plumas National Forest has assumed the incident command role since earlier this week. Crews are working on lingering hotspots on the interior of the Mill Fire footprint, noting that additional areas of the fire perimeter were identified as needing more work, which has become a priority.

The Forest Service says firefighting traffic remains near the fires. Please use caution and slow down in these areas.

• Closure orders are still in effect on the Tahoe and Plumas National Forests in the area southeast of the junction of California Highways 70 and 89 to the Tahoe Forest boundary west of County Road A 23.

If you plan to recreate in the area, Lake Davis and the Lakes Basin sites are open this weekend. The Forest Service notes that the smoke you will encounter in these areas is primarily from the Park Fire and is expected to be reduced as winds shift.

To stay current on conditions, visit the Plumas National Forest Service website.