This fire follows the devastating Dixie Fire, which consumed much of the eastern portion of the park three years ago. The Park Fire now threatens the western edge.
All visitors and park employees have been evacuated. Campgrounds are cleared, and reservations are canceled. Park employees are staying in nearby hotels.
Park Superintendent Rose Worley emphasizes employee and visitor safety, making it her top priority, followed by protecting the park’s resources and historic buildings.
The fire could potentially reach Manzanita Lake and Mineral Headquarters. The historic Mineral district features structures built by the California Conservation Corps in the 1930s. The Manzanita Lake campground, spared by the Dixie Fire, is at risk along with the historic artifacts stored in the 1927 Loomis Museum.
Drakesbad Lodge and Juniper Lake in the park’s eastern portion have remained closed since the Dixie Fire.