Lassen National Forest Implements Partial Closure Due to Park Fire


Subject: Forest Order No. 06-24-06 – Park Fire Closure Order
From: Deb Bumpus, Forest Supervisor, Lassen National Forest

I have decided to close the portion of the Lassen National Forest that may be affected by the Park Fire. The Park Fire has exhibited extreme fire behavior, has grown rapidly to over 300,000 acres, and is experiencing very high temperatures and red flag warnings for the area. The closure is necessary to promote public safety within the area and facilitate unimpeded ingress and egress for fire and other emergency responders, as well as owners, lessees and residents of land in the area while limiting public exposure to fire danger and impaired visibility due to smoke. Blow- ups and fire runs are unpredictable, and they pose a serious threat to individuals who are near an uncontrolled fire. Aircraft fire suppression tactics such as retardant drops and water buckets also pose a safety risk to the public. The area closure will keep the public out of the fire’s potential pathway and fire suppression tactics perimeter, thereby reducing the risk of public injury or death.

I have decided to exempt all Federal, State or local officer, or member of an organized rescue or fire fighting force in the performance of an official duty. I have also exempted persons with a Forest Permit for Use of Roads, Trails, or Areas Restricted by Regulation or Order (Form FS- 7700-48). Authorization under this exemption will only be provided if I or my delegate determine that the risk to personal health and safety is reasonable considering the circumstances of the request. I hereby delegate the authority to sign Form FS-7700-48 granting an exemption to this Forest Order to the District Rangers of the Lassen National Forest. This order also exempts persons who reside within the closure area to the extent necessary to access their residences. We have included this exemption because we are able to effectively monitor the limited roads traveled by residents and a brief traverse along these roads does not pose the same risk as full public access. We may also require appropriate Personal Protective Equipment and/or other safety measures.
Consultation was done externally with CALFIRE, Butte County Sheriff’s Office and Tehama County Sheriff’s Office. USFS employees with areas of expertise in fire management prevention, law enforcement and public affairs were all contacted and involved in the development of the proposed closure order.
I have concluded that this decision may be categorically excluded from documentation in an Environmental Impact Statement or Environmental Assessment under the National Environmental Policy Act. This action falls within the category identified in 36 CFR 220.6(d)(l)
– prohibitions to provide short-term resource protection or to protect public health and safety – and does not require documentation in a decision memo, decision notice, or record of decision. I have determined that there are no extraordinary circumstances associated with this temporary closure. Implementation of the decision may begin immediately.