Lassen County Supervisors Tackle Jam-Packed Agenda


Lassen County Supervisors have a packed agenda for Tuesday’s meeting.

They’ll address three public hearings from Planning and Building Services, focusing on properties with owners neglecting public nuisances, including one from Pure Hemp Farms LLC. The discussions involve reviewing violations, penalties, and potential recording of liens for cost recovery. They’ll also talk about the Broadband Planning and Feasibility Study, costing $25,000, with Lassen County covering this portion for a U.S. Department of Commerce grant totaling $125,000.

Additionally, the Homekey project, in partnership with Health and Social Services and Col West Investments, which has caused some controversy involving Diamond View Middle School, will be under discussion, providing updates on the project proposed to bring 15 housing units to 560 Hospital Lane—a building known as the ‘Old Hospital’ which shares a border with the middle school. The project proposes 10 of the units to be designated for young adults aged 18-24 who are at risk of homelessness. The project has been awarded nearly 3 million dollars in state funds.

The final agenda item will involve appointing the county’s next Sheriff-Coroner for a term ending in 2028. The supervisors held a special meeting last week where interviews were conducted with the three applicants, all members of the Lassen County Sheriff’s Office. Yet a decision had to be delayed as Supervisor Chris Gallagher was unexpectedly unable to attend. The board will convene at 8:30 to review the interviews with Supervisor Gallagher.

The complete agenda for Tuesday’s meeting can be found on the county’s website.