A new law that went into effect Jan. 1, 2025, designates Lassen College in Susanville, among a total of 39 colleges statewide, as an eligible Black-Serving Institution.
SB1348 establishes the Designation of California Black-Serving Institutions to recognize campuses that excel at providing academic resources to Black and African American students. The bill established a governing board composed oof certain members to approve or deny initial and renewal application to receive this designation.
Managing the entity is the California State University Statewide Central Office for the Advancement of Black Excellence, responsible for developing the application processes and presenting applications to the board.
The Black-Serving Institution designation would grant California colleges access to additional resources to expand education opportunities. Since the law is not federally recognized, campuses will not receive federal funding for those resources, according to CalMatters.
The designation is only available to institutions that have a Black student enrollment of at least 10%. For campuses that can’t meet the 10% threshold, campuses must have at least 1,500 students who are Black, CalMatters reported.
Lassen College enrollment comprises 1,694 students, according to a U.S. News Report. Twenty two percent of its students are enrolled full time. Nearly 41.1% of the student population is white, 31.6% Hispanic or Latino and 12.3% Black or African American.
Higher education institutions applying for the five-year designation would have to submit graduation rates for all students and Black students for the past three academic years. Community colleges that apply are required to provide transfer rates to four-year colleges and the numbers of degrees and certificates earned, as well.
The bill was authored by California senator Steven Bradford.
“Being in an environment that they know it’s inclusive and welcoming, that it’s culturally sensitive, helps in making that experience … far more successful for them,” Bradford said in the Inside Higher Ed report. “I think this would be a great opportunity to help boost enrollment, and more importantly, help boost graduation.”
Lassen College is already recognized as a Hispanic Serving Institution.