Eagle Lake’s community is up in arms about the early removal of the Gallatin low-water boat dock just ahead of the holiday rush and with favorable weather in the forecast.
Those who operate cabins in the area stated they have been fully booked for the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday and have emphasized that this is the last big push for many families and those living in the community to get together and head to the lake to fish. However, with the removal of the dock, they anticipate a significant result in loss of revenue as access to the lake is hindered.
The Forest Service made the last-minute announcement yesterday morning, citing “winter weather changes and equipment availability.” In a statement from Forest Officials, the heavy equipment necessary to remove the dock is limited. Dixie Fire restoration projects continue across the forest and require planning weeks in advance.
The Eagle Lake RD Natural Resource Specialist added, “It is important to get the dock out prior to any ice build-up on Eagle Lake and while resources are available to do so safely,”
Forest officials say the lake ramp will remain open for use despite the low water dock being pulled from the lake.