Local softball sensation Patricia Carvalho is set to showcase her skills on an international stage as she heads to “The Cup” tournament in the Netherlands. The 15-year-old has earned her place in the prestigious event, representing the United States and Lassen County. Patricia’s softball journey began at age 7 in Susanville, where she excelled in Rec ball and joined a travel team based in Reno. Her dedication and talent caught the eye of her Fastpitch School Sparks coach, leading to her nomination leading her to join 150 other girls nationwide.
Sixteen teams at the tournament in the Netherlands will play 48 games in 3 days between some of the highest level of international athletes, including current and former Olympians, and elite talent from different countries.
Currently, Patricia is raising funds for the trip through initiatives like a BBQ and slowpitch home run derby. The event is scheduled for this Friday August 11th at Riverside Park, beginning at 6:30, the homerun derby will be following the Susanville slow pitch championship game. Community participation is encouraged not only for the chance to win the derby but also to support Patricia’s journey.
The Cup tournament will be held in a town outside of Rotterdam in early January. You can follow Patricia’s journey and future fundraising events by visiting the Carvahlos Facebook page.
You can also donate through the QR code found below.