Could other fruits be added to orange juice amid orange shortages?

(NEW YORK) -- Orange production in two top growing regions has been plagued by diseased fruit and bad weather, a combination that's prompted all-time high prices and left juice makers to consider other citrus varietals to supplement in the widely consumed breakfast beverage.Along the... Read More.

Water Shortages In PNF Campgrounds

Water shortages are affecting recreational facilities in the Plumas National Forest Feather River Ranger District. Limited water is available at Little Grass Valley Reservoir campgrounds, including Little Beaver, Running Deer, and Red Feather. While camping at these locations you are asked to... Read More.

Plumas Sheriff’s Office Facing Dispatcher Staffing Shortages

Dispatchers at the Plumas Sheriff’s Office are getting stretched thin as pandemic and wildfires have had a measureable impact on staff. Sheriff Todd Johns takes the fall suggesting much of the impact is related to his lack of administrative structure during the wildfires. The... Read More.