Justice Served: Castillo Receives 11-Year Sentence for Stabbing and Vandalism Cases

PRESS RELEASECastillo Sentenced in Stabbing and Vandalism CasesMODOC COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY Nina Salatrno 204 S. Court St. . Alturas, CA 96101 Phone: (530) 233-6212 * Fax: (530) 233-4067January 3, 2024, after Modoc County Sheriff's Office Deputies responded to a reported stabbing in Fort Bidwell, Rigoberto Castillo, 31, was taken...

Justice Served in Armed Robbery and Burglary Case in Modoc

District attorney Nina Salarno said today Gianluca Faia pleaded guilty to two felony charges for first-degree burglary and evading. He will now face two years in state prison for leading sheriff’s deputies on a high-speed chase after robbing a home in the Modoc Recreational...