Hagwood Retains Seat as Chairperson on Plumas Board of Supervisors

As the New Year has arrived, the change in leadership on the board is standard practice.Hagwood had assumed the role when Supervisor Dwight Ceressola stepped down to Vice Chair for health reasons.During the board’s Tuesday Meeting, Supervisor Engle was quick to re-nominated Supervisor Ceressola...

Plumas Supes Begin to Interview to Fill County Auditor Seat

Plumas County Supervisors move to appoint an auditor after successfully filling the County Administrator position. Both are elected seats, yet not one person filed to take the offices during the June Primary.Three candidates were interviewed this week in an open session in front of...

Susanville City Council to Seat Newly Elected Members

A new seat will be filled on the City of Susanville Council come next week. Russ Brown has earned the second most votes in the June 7th elections and will take one of the two full-term seats that were up. Mayor Mendy Schuster has...