Congressman Chellenges Courts Decision to House Sex Offender in Paradise

Congressman Doug LaMalfa and Assembly Minority Leader James Gallagher have issued a fiery challenge to the Santa Cruz County Superior Court. They are calling on the court to reject the proposed placement of Michael Cheek, a notorious sexually violent predator, in the Town of...

New DMV Kiosk Comes to Paradise

DMV services return to Paradise. The DMV has partnered with the United States Postal Service to install a self service kiosk within the Paradise post office. The kiosk will be available 24/7 allowing the people of Paradise to complete their DMV tasks without visiting...

Drug, Firearms, and Ammunition Possession Arrest in Paradise

A 22 year old San Jose man, Jacob Labosky, was arrested in Paradise with possession of several hundred pills of Adderall and Benzodiazepines, both controlled substances, as well as firearms and over a thousand rounds of ammunition. Officers responded to the area of Piney...