Deep Democratic bench gets opportunity in political wilderness

(WASHINGTON) -- For the first time in four years, Democrats are leaderless. But chaos is a ladder, as the saying goes, and the party is packed with climbers.Democrats are still sifting through the rubble of last week's election results, and many said that a...

BLM Announces Grant Opportunity for Wild Horse and Burro Program

The Bureau of Land Management says there are new grants available for you and private partners to support the management and protection of wild horses and burros. This will be the department’s second year inviting proposals for wild horse and burro projects through the...

Weed Abatement Project by LNF Opens Objection Opportunity

You have an opportunity to object to a weed abatement project by the Eagle Lake Ranger district of the Lassen National Forest. An environmental assessment of the Eagle Lake Weeds and Wildlife Project has been completed and the forest service is asking if you...

Camp Fire Survivors Have an Opportunity to Become Homeowners Again

Camp Fire survivors have an opportunity to become a homeowner again. A new Self-Help Housing Program has become available in the town that saw such devastation during the deadly fire. The Community Housing Improvement Program, also known as (CHIP), Expanding Mutual Self-Help Housing Program...