Mountains of Memories Photo Spots

Way back in the 60's, you could go to Disneyland and Kodak was kind enough to identify locations throughout the park where you could take the perfect picture. Of course, you could use Kodak film (for anyone under used to have something called...

Emily Choate Wins Sweetheart of the Mountains Title

Times are changing. Most of the time, change is good, and we think that is the case with the Sweetheart of the Mountains scholarship competition. We have all rolled our eyes at old newspaper clippings listing the weight and measurements of 17-year-old girls, and...

Mountains to Meadows Trailfest: Quincy Gears Up for Exciting New Outdoor Festival

Outdoor enthusiasts and community members in Quincy eagerly anticipate the arrival of the ifirst ever Mountains to Meadows Trailfest, presented by the Sierra Buttes Trail Stewardship (SBTS). Scheduled to take place from September 19-22 at the Plumas-Sierra County Fairgrounds, this four-day event aims to...

Warner Mountains are opening back up for obsidian collection.

The Warner Mountains are opening back up for obsidian collection. Four sites will open for your excavation beginning July 1st through Labor day weekend. You can get one day permits and bring up to two 5 gallon buckets to bring home your collection. You...