Lassen Fire Safe Council Holds Monthly May Meeting in Westwood

The Lassen Fire Safe Council will hold its monthly meeting in Westwood this May. The meeting, set for 5:30 p.m. at the Westwood Community Center (located at the corner of 3rd and Birch Street), will focus on key updates and progress reports.Managing Director Cade...

Lassen Fire Safe Council Heads to Big Valley for June Monthly Meeting

The Lassen Fire Safe Council (LFSC) is offering a rare opportunity for North County. The council will hold its June General Meeting in Big Valley. At the June 14th meeting, you can learn about the Firewise program, fuel load reduction, reforestation grants, and home hardening...

LMUD Discusses Power Costs at Monthly Meeting

LMUD has had to raise rates twice to make up for a large deficit incurred due to increasing power costs, and you should see that jump on this month's billing cycle. Rates rose by 2 cents, costing you 16 per kilowatt hour used. With...

Lassen Fire Safe Council Holds 2nd Monthly Community Meeting

Lassen Fire Safe Council will hold its 2nd monthly community meeting this Wednesday. You can take the opportunity to learn more about ongoing and newly completed wildfire restoration projects and share your thoughts.The council will discuss grant funding and hear from local Fire agencies,...

Quincy Firewise Monthly Meeting

Quincy Firewise’s monthly meeting welcomes Quincy Volunteer Fire Department Chief as a guest speaker. Robbie Cassou, will address how you and Quincy can improve wildfire resilience and prepare for a catastrophic wildfire incident through his perspective and experience. He will also talk about the...

Lassen Supervisors Hold Monthly Meeting 9/27

In a second attempt, the Lassen County Board of Supervisors will hear from the Lassen National Forest Supervisor on post-wildfire restoration efforts. Deb Bumpas, forest supervisor on the Lassen, could not attend the special meeting held in Westwood the week prior. Her presentation was...

LMUD Monthly Board Meeting Today 8/23

Lassen Municipal Utility District holds its monthly board, meeting this evening. You can have the opportunity to speak to the board during public commenting at the start of the meeting. General Manager Pat Holley will discuss updates on the Skedaddle project and Hayden hill...

LMUD Public Hearing Set for July Monthly Board Meeting

Lassen Municipal utility district holds its monthly board meeting this evening. Items to be discussed include a public hearing for the increase to the excess generation rate for those who participate in the district's solar buyback program. General manager Pat Holley will also be...

Saturday 3/18 Monthly [Re]Build Greenville Community Meeting

Join us this Saturday, March 19th[Re]Build Greenville Community Meeting Greenville Elementary School Cafeteria 11am to 1 pmThe Indian Valley Thrift Store Association is providing lunch with Mary's German Grill serving Ice cream? Just maybe! See you there!Zoom Linkpwd=a2dUQnphUHJsZDFGQ2xqNXRYejVkQT09Meeting ID: 812 8737 8990Passcode: 742971