State Seeks Public Input on Homelessness Action Plan

As homelessness continues to grow in California, with the state as of 2022 having a third of the nation's homeless, and half of all unsheltered people, the state’s Interagency Council on Homelessness is aiming to gather input from you.In a collaborative effort with over...

LPSCAA Seeking Input on Community Needs for Federal Funding

The Lassen-Plumas-Sierra Community Action Agency (LPSCAA) needs your help. The organization is a tri-county community action agency providing federal funds to community-based organizations specializing in health, nutrition, child care, food, shelter, clothing, and youth and family development. They assist local resource centers, crossroad ministries,...

Input Needed for New Cal Fire Defensible Space Zone

CAL FIRE is partnering with the California Board of Forestry and Fire Protection to develop a new defensible space zone for wildfire resilience.The new space, known as Zone 0, will be within the 0–5-foot range of your home or business. On the Cal Fire...

Open Houses Aim to Gather Your Input on New OHV Trails

The Sierra Butte Trail Stewardship wants your thoughts on updating and building trails in partnership with the U.S. Forest Service. The grant cycle for OHV use is underway, and the non-profit and the Tahoe National Forest will hold a series of open houses to...

BLM Seeks Your Input on Local OHV Trails for Grant Funding

If you think OHV trails in the area could use improvement, The Bureau of Land Management’s Northern District is looking for your thoughts.A virtual public meeting for OHV recreation on public lands was held this week for the Redding, Arcata, and Eagle Lake field...

CALFIRE Updates FHSZ Map and Seeks Input

CALFIRE updated its Fire Hazard Severity Zones map and looking for your input. The map is a comprehensive map that ranks the state’s rural unincorporated areas based on the likelihood these locations will experience wildfire. This project has taken several years with collaborative efforts...

Susanville Looks for Community Input on Use of ARPA Funds

The city of Susanville is looking to hearing from you as the council begins discussing using ARPA funds. Initially set to be determined during the council meeting last evening, it was tabled for later as councilmember Schuster was not in attendance. City Administrator Dan...

LNF Seeks Input on Wilderness Permits

The Lassen National Forest is looking to go paperless. Wilderness permits are required if you plan to backpack into the national forests at a significant distance from trails and provide overnight access to undeveloped areas. Superintendent Jim Richardson says, “An online permit system can...

Major Construction Work thru Quincy Corridor Seeks Input

Plumas can expect a major Caltrans project to impact HWY 70 from the Greenville Wye to east of Quincy. The planning phase for the project has begun and was discussed with the Board of Supervisors during their last meeting. Construction is expected...