Expanded OHV Use Across Lassen NF Approval Nears Final Stages

The Lassen National Forest has entered the objection period for its draft decision to extend OHV use across all districts. The proposal is to increase the mileage of existing OHV-permitted roads and connections to an extra 150 miles.This project resulted from stakeholders and multiple... Read More.

Susanville City Limits Proposed to be Expanded

The Susanville city council will look to expand city limits as a Land Use Assessment Report, started early last year, is now complete.With the use of state road tax funding, a study was conducted involving community and stakeholder input to determine the potential growth... Read More.

PG&E has expanded planned power shutoffs

PG&E has expanded planned power shutoffs ahead of increased fire danger Tuesday.The potential Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) event, starting Tuesday evening and forecasted to last through Wednesday afternoon, could affect about 48,000 customers in small portions of 18 counties.The utility initially announced plans... Read More.

Evacuation notices for DixieFire expanded

The evacuation order for the #DixieFire is being expanded to now include: Caribou Rd north to the Humbug Rd and Humboldt Rd intersection. This includes Belden Reservoir and Butt Valley Reservoir. and Prattville Butt Reservoir Road and everything west to the Butte/Plumas county line Please leave the area... Read More.


PRESS RELEASE 7/9/2021 2PM BECKWOURTH COMPLEX FIRE EXPANDED MANDATORY EVACUATION ORDERS The Mandatory Evacuation Order has been expanded to include the following areas:  Lassen County residents on the north and south sides of Doyle Grade from the Lassen/Plumas County line east to the intersection of State Route 395 but not... Read More.