State Awarded Federal Investment to Upgrade Power Grid

California gets the most significant piece of the pie to update its grid resilience. U.S. Senator Alex Padilla made the 67 million dollar announcement that has been awarded through the Grid Resilience State and Tribal Formula Grants program aimed to push for more clean... Read More.

Lassen Library Awarded Near $2M for Renovations

Some big changes coming to Lassen Library, which has received a competitive 1.86 million dollar grant through the California State Library, as a nearly two-million-dollar grant will help improve the aging building.After forming a special district to keep the county library alive after the... Read More.

FRC Employee Awarded Prestigious Classified Employee of the Year

A Feather River College staff member has been recognized by the California Community Colleges Board of Governors, along with four others among the 116 colleges throughout the state. Joan Jarrett was announced for receiving the 2023 Classified Employee of the Year Award. These professionals... Read More.

Caltrans District 2 Snow Plow Operator Awarded Medal of Valor

Caltrans District 2 equipment operator Travis Sutton is awarded the highest state honor for saving a woman's life early last year.Early in the morning, On March 21st, while plowing snow on SR 70 through the treacherous Feather River Canyon, Sutton noticed tire tracks leading... Read More.

Susanville PD Awarded 50k OTS Grant

The Susanville Police Department will make the streets in town safer through a 50,000 dollar grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety.Chief Cochran said the funding supports ongoing traffic safety efforts in the community with the intent to stop the most unlawful and... Read More.

City Awarded 500k Grant for Broadband Planning

Better broadband services are closer to being realized within the City of Susanville as the city announced they have successfully obtained a half-million dollar grant. City Administrator Dan Newton said at the Council's November 2nd meeting that the funding would help fund the planning... Read More.