DEA and LCSO 23rd Annual RX Drug Take-Back Day

The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and the Lassen County Sheriff’s Office are partnering again for the 23rd annual prescription drug take-back day.The event is a national effort to combat the opioid crisis and keep communities safe. The DEA and its national and community partners... Read More.

August 23rd Evacuation Status Update

**Evacuation Status Updates ** Aug 23, 2021Evacuation Warnings have been lifted for:•Janesville and Milford east of Hwy 395 from A3/Standish Buntingville Rd south to the Thunder Mtn. Rd Intersection - Zones LAS-E013 and LAS-E011-B•Milford east of Hwy 395 from the Flux Rd intersection south... Read More.