Sun, Jun 30 from 3:00pm
to 7:30pm
White Sulphur Springs Ranch, Clio
The annual celebration will happen this year, as usual, on the last Sunday in June. That makes it on June 30th from 3:00 to 7:30 PM, at the historic ranch at White Sulphur Springs, 2200 Highway 89, in Clio, CA. Summerfest is a non-profit fundraiser presented by the Mohawk Valley Stewardship Council, an organization of volunteers dedicated to restoring this historic property at the head of the Mohawk Valley.
Summerfest 2024 is an outdoor event complete with entertainment, food, live and silent auctions and a no host bar. The restored Ranch House will be open for tours between 3:00 and 4:00 PM.
Entertainment this year, as in 2023, will be provided by Matt Axton’s five-piece band from Tahoe City. Matt describes his music as a mixture of folk, country and rock. He comes from a long line of prestigious musicians. Matt’s dad was Hoyt Axton, a prolific song writer and Country Western entertainer. His grandmother, Mae Boren Axton, wrote the song “Heartbreak Hotel” for Elvis Presley. Matt is sure to be a hit with attendees.
The food event will feature appetizers and a ranch barbecue with all the trimmings. Tickets will be available on May 1. On or after that date get them online at www.WhiteSulphurSpringsRanch.com and at Millie’s Ice Cream & Coffee Co. in Graeagle. Plans for Summerfest 2024 are being finalized and details will follow but interested parties should save the date, June 30th, for this Plumas County tradition.
Photo captions
The restored ranch house at White Sulphur Springs, photo by Chris Coughlin
Dink Rife and Sue Collins serve attendees at the beverage tent at a previous Summerfest at White Sulphur Springs Ranch.