Sat, Feb 3 from 9:30am to 9:30am
Plumas Co. Courthouse

Groundhog Fever Festival planning is going very well!  This year’s flyer is done, advertising has been submitted, and Chili Cook-off entry forms and Vendor Booth Applications are available online!  Interested in participating?  Click on the button above for more details and the entry forms.

We’ve changed the event times this year so it’ll take place in the warmest part of the day.  (Phew!  Poor Chuck was FREEZING!)

NEW THIS YEAR: All Chili Cook-off contestants will receive a cash prize!  Judge’s Choice, People’s Choice and Best Decorated Booth will also receive a trophy.


ALSO NEW THIS YEAR: We’re EXPANDING!  The Festival has become such a huge hit for our community, we’re making it bigger and better!  This year look for the Chili tasting area next to Dame Shirley Plaza, the Kid Zone taking up most of Court Street and the west side of the Courthouse, contests on the Courthouse steps, vendors all along the front of the Courthouse and around the east side, and a classic car display (weather permitting) on Bradley Street.  Lots of fun for people of all ages!


We are actively building Chuck’s schedule, so if you want a visit from our furry prognosticator give us a call at (530) 394-0541.  It’s a great way to advertise your business at no extra charge